Tzu Tsen Wu is a musical adventurer, exploring cultural and artistic boundaries through music. She was born in, 1990, Taiwan, appreciate and perform a remarkably wide range of international music, from Taiwanese music, Chinese music, and Western classical to contemporary Pop from around the world. Tzu Tsen plays many instruments and mostly plucked instrument in addition to ukulele, guitar, piano, banjo, and Jakhee, specializing in Chinese zhongruan and liuqin. Always striving to become a better musician, she looks for new challenges in different musical traditions and diverse styles. Tzu Tsen started college as a biology major before turning to music full time. She has two bachelor’s degree, one in Biology from National Chiayi University and the other in Chinese music from National Taiwan University of Art and is currently pursuing a master’s degree in the acclaimed World Music Program at Northern Illinois University. An accomplished performer and pluck instrument teacher in both Asia and the U.S., Tzu Tsen is also a director, composer, and accompanist.